Sunday, October 17, 2010


Once upon a time, for our Environmental Design class, we were appointed the task of finding and observing a phenomenon of light. As previously posted, I decided to do stained glass since it ran so many parallels with what we were discussing in my other classes and I generally just like stained glass.

Stained glass windows from the First Presbyterian Church, Elm St. NC.
I chose this photo because of the location of the windows and the way that the light shined through them and played off of the enormous steel organ below. It created a beautiful scene, the light not only danced on the organ but on my skin and the walls around me as well. It literally transformed the room into sort of a dream, which is the main focus of my project, the transformation of light.

This is what the final board ended up looking like.
Here is the actual board, at the top an interesting quote by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross I found that reads:

"People are like stained glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed, only if there is a light from within."

The model beside the actual photo is a replica I did of the window, with an actual light behind it. The diagrams you see below those are my interpretation, after conversing with Tommy, of the transformation of light from all the colors in the spectrum to the single color that the eye sees. 

Yes, the window actually lit up.

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