Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Here we are at the end of the semester and I can't explain in words how excited I am to finally get a break from school work. It's four in the morning and I'm still in the studio. I might as start paying rent.

However, all of my work is completed and now all I must do is reflect on Design Visualization as a whole. I think that my drawing has definitely improved this year. I've learned a lot of new information and feel like I'm taking significant steps towards my career goals. At times it was tedious, was ALWAYS tedious. I've never been so tired of lines in my life but I know it's all for the greater good.

As for my most successful drawing, that's hard to say. I guess I would have to say, again, that the Animation drawings are my favorite. Animation and cartooning are my favorite things to do, no matter how real I try and made a picture look, the cartoon always comes out.

Here is one, that I've previously posted, but really enjoy:

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