Monday, May 2, 2011


I have blogged previously about Saint Mary's House, the house we were given to change into the home away from home for a traveling writer.

First we were split into multiple groups which took care of all the basics such as measuring the building, collecting the history of the neighborhood, collecting the history of the house itself, and the history of the writing program to which it would house.

Once floor plans were drawn, we were given pretty much free reign on how to manipulate the space as long as it included the following: bathroom, living space for the writer, meeting space, public reading area, reflection area, and parking.

The themes for my space were layers and literature.

I wanted to appeal to the writer on all the layers of their individuality. As a writer, as a person, as a teacher and colleague, and as a speaker and presenter.

I chose to include many, many bookshelves, because I think reading is as important to the writing process as the writing itself.

I also chose a lime zest green to be the theme color for the space because I know how it feels to be burnt out after many hours of work and I wanted a color that would invigorate and inspire the mind and senses.

Here are some photographs of what the final boards ended up looking like:

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