Monday, September 5, 2011


Initial Thoughts:
I must start by simply stating how amazed I was that this extraordinary place has been right down the street from campus all these years and hardly anyone knows what it is.

The work that goes on behind those windowless walls is incredible. Having 215 employees, roughly 115 of them legally blind the level of craft that comes into production there is amazing.

Initial Entrance Diagram:


I was extremely curious as I came up to the building. Many times, I have driven by and wondering exactly what the goings on of this place were. It was like Willy Wonka's factory, no one went in, no one came out, there were no windows and it was shrouded in mystery. My curiosity was met with confusion as I went into the first of the entrance spaces. I felt compelled to go up to the sliding glass window and announce, "Hi, I'm Hailey Taylor and I'm here to get my teeth cleaned." Alas, I was shuffled into the stairwell, past a meditation garden (which was too awful to describe here), and then entered a new lobby space. I remember thinking to myself, what goes on here? Even as I was in the building I was still completely in the dark about what was occurring in the building around me. I can't think of a more appropriate or deserving place for the project we are taking on here.



Here are a few photographs I snapped from the tour:

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